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what you can find in by the book

a carefully curated collection designed to inspire and entertain you

Man Reading a Book
Man Reading a Book

Quality preloved paperback and hardback fiction

sourced from the top 250 most popular authors, you'll find books from writers you know and love

 We pride ourselves on only offering the best quality books, so you'll find unread books as well as preloved  novels 

Looking for a lost masterpiece or the last one in a series, or maybe that special gift?

Our book searching service can find you the book you're looking for.

From "The History of Football Boots" (yes, someone did ask for that.. and we did find one!)

to a copy of 'Titus Alone',

ask us and we will hunt it out for you if we can...

Piles of Books

Specialist Hobby and lifestyle books

West Norfolk is famed for big skies and wide open sandy beaches ~ perfect for  photography, artists, birdwatchers, stargazers and  walkers,

Whatever your passion ~  we have an ever-changing range of books to inspire and inform you, whether you've found a new hobby, or are an experienced hand 

We also have a selection of craft and cookery books, lifestyle, well being and exercise,  and herbals and self-help

 -- not forgetting a large collection of transport and railway related books, history and biographies


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